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Four Ways to Prepare Your Home for Spring

Four Ways to Prepare Your Home for SpringThe flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping and the weather is warming up, but your home is still stuck in the wintertime blues. After a long Pennsylvania winter, there’s no better time to freshen up your home than the warm spring season! Here are four ways to prepare your home for spring:

The spring season is the perfect time to clear out the clutter that’s been accumulating over time. Go room-by-room and create a plan to avoid getting overwhelmed by the idea of de-cluttering the whole house in one day.

Take it a day at a time and focus on the areas that need the most organizing. For storage, consider investing in large containers, pull-out drawers and other organizers to tidy up spaces that are prone to clutter. Organize in a way that makes sense and create labels to make locating things easy.

Spring Clean
All homes can benefit from a bit of spring cleaning. Over time, homes collect dust, allergens and bacteria that can be harmful to those who live within it. While cleaning, homeowners will want to focus on areas that are often neglected during more regular cleanings. This includes dusting ceilings fans and above-the-countertop spaces, vacuuming upholstery and pillows and wiping down baseboards and doorframes.

In the kitchen, clean the cabinets, countertops and backsplash with an all-purpose cleaner to remove any stuck-on grease. Make sure to also wipe down kitchen appliances and clean underneath them. Bathroom spaces are a breeding ground for mold and mildew, so spend some extra time cleaning shower curtains, toilet seats, tile grout and any other surface that comes into contact with water and germs.

Perform Home Maintenance
After a cold and wet winter, all homes deserve a bit of love with a spring home maintenance check. In the spring, homeowners should be on the lookout for, or potential opportunities for, water damage. Walk around both inside and outside the home and look out for any cracks in the foundation, mold or other damages that may have happened in the winter months.

Pay close attention to the roof and search for any damaged or missing shingles that may be letting in water, as well as attic spaces that may have taken a hit. Since windows tend to take a brunt in the winter, it’s a good idea to clean them up, re-caulk and replace any damaged or warped screens. Homeowners will also want to clean out their gutters and downspouts along with checking their AC unit to ensure it is in working order for the warmer months ahead.

Take Care of Your Lawn
Every homeowner wants a fresh and beautiful lawn for spring. The warm, spring weather is the perfect time to get outdoors and take care of some much-needed lawn care. Start out by raking your lawn and removing any debris that’s been hiding under snow. If there are weeds in the yard, go ahead and pick them and consider using an organic herbicide to help prevent future growth. Prune and trim any trees and shrubs and plant some colorful spring flowers. For those planning on gardening close to their foundation, plan to use a compact soil that will help combat yard flooding and foundation damage through springtime showers.

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